Over recent months, software titan Microsoft Corporation has filed a number of “Doe” lawsuits in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington.  The suits allege both copyright and trademark claims against anonymous defendants accused of efforts to activate unlicensed copies of popular Microsoft software products.

The products named in the complaints include

Several production companies continue a wave of BitTorrent-related copyright lawsuits, all filed by the same lawyers in the U.S. District Court, District of Oregon.

Several of the lawsuits involve the 2013 film Dallas Buyers Club.  The allegations of the complaints are similar to those made in many prior lawsuits filed by Dallas Buyers Club, LLC

As Troll Defense earlier reported, the owners to the rights to the film Dallas Buyers Club are prosecuting in Oregon U.S. District Court many “singleton” lawsuits against Doe parties, alleging both federal Copyright Act and Oregon State Trademark violations.  Voltage Pictures, LLC and co-plaintiff Dallas Buyers Club, LLC combine the copyright infringement claims of

Music Group Services, US and its offshore affiliate have filed a Seattle U.S. District Court lawsuit for a host of John Doe claims related to “unauthorized” statements made via Twitter feeds.

Music Group is a holding company for a number of different brands of professional-grade music production and performance equipment, including loudspeakers, amplifiers, mixers, computer-based

We have completed review of the Voltage Pictures, LLC lawsuits filed in Marion County, Oregon in connection with Dallas Buyers Club.  

Instead of suing for copyright infringement, conversion or negligence, Voltage has stated claims against the many Does for violations of the Oregon Trademark Act, ORS 647.   As with trademarks protected by the federal Lanham